Saint Gregorios Palamas foundation
The Educational and Cultural Foundation "St, Gregorios Palamas" operates as an non profit Organisation of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, with independent management.
The aims of the Foundation include the promotion of study and research of the Orthodox Christian Tradition and Culture, the providing of ecclesiastical education and vocational training,and hospitality. Also in the framework of religious, pilgrimage and conference tourism provides organisation of related conferences, book , magazines , scientific work ,results of conferences and generral publications publishing. A primary Objective of the Foundation is the Integration of the above aims in EU funded programs and also the collaboration with other Institutions with similar puposes.
The Foundation, among others, has significant experience in theological / religious issues, has already participated in training and research programs like the Digitazitation of Orthodox Culture monuments Thessaloniki and the integration of a collaboration Network between the cities-stations of Apostle Paul's Missionary Path . Is the central research organization in Theology Science field of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki and publicates in two month basis one of the most valuable and prestigious theological Greek journals the "Saint Gregory Palamas" journal.
In the Foundation premises are also housed the High Church College of Thessaloniki and the Centre for Education and Culture -Vocational Training Center. It is Located on Plastira 65-Harilaou Thessaloniki about 15 minutes from downtown and 20 minutes from airport "Macedonia".